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- /* MakeDigest.rexx v 1.1 22-Jun-97 by Kai Nikulainen
- **
- ** Q: What does it do?
- ** A: Joins several messages into one which can for example be searched
- ** by YAMtools. Anyway it makes the folder look cleaner...
- **
- ** Q: Which messages are added?
- ** A: All which match given subject pattern. * can be used as a wildcard.
- **
- ** Q: What happened to the attachments?
- ** A: They are still there, YAM just doesn't see them anymore. You need to
- ** use some other program, for example mpack to extract them.
- **
- ** Q: How many gorillas does it take to screw in a light bulb?
- ** A: Only one, but it sure takes a shitload of light bulbs!
- **
- ** If you have any problems, mail me at knikulai@utu.fi
- */
- options results
- call addlib('rexxreqtools.library',0,-30,0)
- addrheader='To' /* Must be 'from' or 'to'. Decides which field is used */
- /* for the default sender address for the digest */
- defper=14 /* Default period for date selection*/
- headers=7 /* ONLY these headers are copied to the digest */
- hdr.1='Reply-To:' /* If you add or remove headers, remember to */
- hdr.2='To:' /* change variable headers to a correct value! */
- hdr.3='Date:'
- hdr.4='Subject:'
- hdr.5='From:'
- hdr.6='Content-Type:'
- hdr.7='Sender:'
- months='Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec'
- temp='t:digest.tmp'
- timezone='+0000'
- receiver='be or not to be'
- separator='----*---- ----*---- ----*---- ----*---- ----*---- ----*---- ----*---- '
- /* Separator is added between messages. If it's empty, nothing is written. */
- copy='c:copy'
- delete='c:delete'
- /* These texts are for the subject pattern entry field */
- ptxt='Enter search pattern for subjects?'
- ptitle='Select messages which will be combined'
- pbuts='_Ok|_Exit script'
- /* Subject entry gadget */
- stxt='Enter subject for the digest?'
- stitle='Message subject'
- sbuts='_Ok|_Exit script'
- /* Dates */
- dtxt='What should be the first date to join?'
- etxt='How many days of messages should be joined?'
- dtitle='Set selection criteria'
- dbuts='_Ok|_Exit script'
- /* Search criteria selection */
- qtxt='How do you want to select messages?'
- qtitle='Selection criteria'
- qbuts='By _Date|By _Subject|_Exit script'
- /* Range confirmation */
- ctxt='Starting to combine messages from' || '0a'x
- ctitle='Confirm range'
- cbuts='_Correct|_Wrong range|_Exit script'
- /* From header */
- ftxt='Who should the sender of the digest?'
- ftitle='Set digest header'
- fbuts='_Ok|_Exit script'
- /* this is common for all reqtools requesters */
- tags=''
- if ~open(1,temp,'w') then do
- 'Request "Could not write' temp'" "_Quit"'
- exit
- end
- address 'YAM'
- 'GetFolderInfo Name'
- subj=result 'digest'
- AddHeaders=1
- 'GetFolderInfo Max' /* How many messages are there? */
- n=result
- 'GetMailInfo Subject'
- str=result
- if left(upper(str),3)='RE:' then str=substr(str,4)
- 'GetMailInfo Active'
- act=result
- if rc>0 then do
- str='*'
- curname=''
- end
- else do
- str='*'str'*'
- 'GetMailInfo file'
- curname=result
- end
- str=strip(str)
- maximum=0
- 'SetMail 0'
- 'GetMailInfo file'
- name=result
- if curname='' then curname=name
- p1=lastpos(':',name)
- p2=lastpos('/',name)
- p=max(p1,p2)+1
- cri=rtezrequest(qtxt,qbuts,qtitle,tags)
- if cri=0 then exit
- if cri=2 then do
- pattern=upper(rtgetstring(str,ptxt,ptitle,pbuts,tags))
- if pattern='' then exit
- subj=subj date()
- end
- else do
- firstd=GetDate(curname)
- do until sel=1
- ds=rtgetstring(date('n',firstd),dtxt,dtitle,dbuts,tags)
- if ds='' then exit
- parse var ds day month year
- mo=right('0' || 1+(pos(month,months)-1)/4,2)
- da=right('0' || day,2)
- ye=right('19' || year,4)
- firstd=date('i',ye || mo || da,'S')
- delta=rtgetstring(defper,etxt,dtitle,dbuts,tags)
- if delta='' then exit
- if datatype(delta)~='NUM' then delta=0
- lastd=firstd+delta-1
- fstr=date('n',firstd)
- lstr=date('n',lastd)
- sel=rtezrequest(ctxt || fstr 'to' lstr,cbuts,ctitle,tags)
- if sel=0 then exit
- end
- subj=subj ' ' fstr '-' lstr
- end
- subj=rtgetstring(subj,stxt,stitle,sbuts,tags)
- if subj='' then exit
- call writeln(1,'Subject:' subj)
- call writeln(1,'To:' receiver)
- do m=0 to n-1
- 'SetMail' m
- 'GetMailInfo file'
- fname=result
- d=GetDate(fname)
- if cri=2 then do /* get the subject */
- 'GetMailInfo Subject'
- subj=result
- end
- if maximum<substr(fname,p) then maximum=substr(fname,p)
- if (match(pattern,subj) & cri=2) | (d>=firstd & d<=lastd & cri=1) then do
- if AddHeaders then do
- 'GetMailInfo' addrheader
- fr=rtgetstring(result,ftxt,ftitle,fbuts,tags)
- if fr='' then exit
- call writeln(1,'From:' fr)
- call writeln(1,RememberDate)
- call writeln(1,'')
- AddHeaders=0
- end
- call CopyMsg(fname)
- if separator~='' then call writeln(1,separator)
- 'MailDelete'
- end
- end
- q=lastpos('.',maximum)
- ext=right('00'substr(maximum,q+1)+1,3)
- newname=left(fname,p-1) || left(maximum,q) || ext
- call close(1)
- address command copy temp newname
- address command delete temp
- 'MailUpdate'
- 'SetMail' act
- exit /* Welcome to the edge of the world */
- GetDate:
- parse arg fn
- res=0
- r=''
- call open(2,fn,'r')
- do until eof(2) | r='' | word(r,1)='Date:'
- r=translate(readln(2),' ','09'x)
- end
- call close(2)
- if word(r,1)='Date:' then do
- RememberDate=r
- if pos(',',r)=0 then
- parse var r 'Date:' day month year .
- else
- parse var r 'Date:' wd',' day month year .
- mn=right('0' || 1+(pos(month,months)-1)/4,2)
- da=right('0' || day,2)
- ye=right('19' || year,4)
- res=date('i',ye || mn || da,'S')
- end
- return res
- CopyMsg:
- parse arg fn
- call open(2,fn,'r')
- do until r=''
- r=readln(2)
- w=word(translate(r,' ','09'x),1)
- do i=1 to headers
- if w=hdr.i then call writeln(1,r)
- end
- end
- do until eof(2)
- call writeln(1,r)
- r=readln(2)
- end
- call close(2)
- return
- Match: procedure
- parse arg pat,str
- res=0
- pat=upper(pat)
- str=upper(str)
- p1=pos('*',pat)
- if p1=0 then
- res=(pat=str)
- else do
- alku=left(pat,p1-1) /* chars before first * */
- ale=length(alku)
- p2=lastpos('*',pat)
- if left(str,ale)~=alku then
- res=0
- else
- if p1=length(pat) then
- res=1
- else do
- loppu=substr(pat,p1+1)
- p2=pos('*',loppu)
- if p2=0 then
- res=(right(str,length(loppu))=loppu)
- else do
- seur=left(loppu,p2-1)
- i=ale
- do while pos(seur,str,i+1)>0
- i=pos(seur,str,i+1)
- res=(res | Match(loppu,substr(str,i)))
- end
- end
- end /* else do */
- end
- return res